Rehearsing for Excellence
How to Grow From Capable to Expert
“Perfection is unattainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Packers coach Vince Lombardi
I speak on the topic of excellence. How to achieve excellence and equally important how to sustain excellence. I coach people how to be disciplined enough to Rehearse Excellent Outcomes. The journey to excellence for me started out at sea. I began my career as a standup comic on cruise ships. Off the ship I set a course for show business. Getting seven television shows on the air is like hitting the lotto. It happened. Times seven. I’ve hosted a television for every network, wrote three books on business, picked up my real estate license and flipped waterfront homes in Southern California.
I’ve interviewed thousands of successful individuals about their journey. Their wins, their losses, their challenges, their triumphs. Here’s what I’ve learned: they succeeded because their excellence was rehearsed. They were prepared for the outcome. Win or lose.
Excellence is not luck. Excellence is not an accident nor is it random. Excellence Oriented People advance faster and earn on average 38% more than serviceable competent people. Nobody fires the best. And if your company folds there is always a competitor who will hire the best. Excellence Oriented People are happier because they are accountable. They don’t rely on others for their happiness. They don’t believe the world owes them a title. Excellence Oriented People get more respect from the boss and their peers for all the same reasons. Excellence Oriented People are disciplined, methodical and always improving.